April 20, 2015

Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Part 1 in Newark, NJ, 2015

アメリカ・ニュージャージー州でも桜は咲きます。桜の名所の公園があります。その名はBranch Brook Park。5,000本の桜が咲いていました。日本に多い品種(ソメイヨシノ)と比べると花びらの色が濃かった気がしましたがとてもキレイでした。今回は広域で撮影した桜の様子をご紹介。
Cherry Blossoms bloom in NJ, USA as well. There's a popular park as known as the best place seeing Sakura in NJ. It's Branch Brook Park where there are 5,000 cherry trees. They were so beautiful even though I thought the color of cherry trees was different from the color of Japanese popular breed. Today, I'd like introduce you the photos I shot in wide area.


April 13, 2015

2015年3月のアクセス数の多い写真 Top 5 | The 5 most viewed photos in March 2015

このブログを見てくださっている方、ありがとうございます。2015年3月にこのブログで紹介した中でアクセス数の多かったベスト写真(記事)Top 5をまとめてみたいと思います。
I really appreciate the people who has seen this blog constantly. I'm going to pick up the 5 most viewed photos of my photos that were posted on this blog in March 2015.

ワールドトレードセンターと青空 | The view of World Trade Center from Hoboken

Today, I realized that I could see a different view than usual in case I used the different route from Manhattan. I shot the following photos with my iPhone though I didn't have my camera; however I think these photos are better than what I expected.


April 9, 2015

ニューヨーク・ウエストヴィレッジを街歩きした時の3枚の写真 | 3 photos during walking around West Village in NYC

Today, I'm going to introduce you about the photos I shot near W 4st station where there's blue note, a jazz club during walking around this neiborhood.


April 7, 2015

エッジウォーターから見たハドソン川の眺め | The view of Hudson River from Edgewater, NJ

Hudson River is located between New York and New Jersey. Its riverside is one of my favorite place shooting photos.


April 6, 2015

[モノクロ写真]ニューヨークのLOVEオブジェ | [Black and white photos] Love sculpture in NYC


ニューヨーク・マンハッタンのWest 55stと6th Avenue沿いにある「LOVE」のオブジェ。ここの周りにはいつもこの写真のように人だかりがたくさん。群がる観光客を撮影してみた。
There's a love sculpture at West 55th street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan, NYC. There are always many people surrounding this sculpture. I shot such people into a photo.

April 1, 2015

[モノクロ写真]NY・ブライアントパークの昼下がり | [Black and white photos] early in the afternoon at Bryant Park, NYC


Bryant Park is located at Midtown in Manhattan, NYC. It isn't a huge park, but I love it because it's better to see my friends and chat with them thanks to tables and chairs or there's a skate link in winter. On one cold day, I stopped by this park for the first time in a long time. I shot some black and white photos there.