I really appreciate the people who has seen this blog constantly. I'm going to pick up the 5 most viewed photos of my photos that were posted on this blog in March 2015.
1. プンタカナで撮った美しいビーチ写真5選 | The 5 beautiful photos of beach in Punta Cana
According to Google Analytics, the photos that were taken at the beach of Punta Cana has been the most viewed. I'm so glad about this fact because I love all of them. I'd like to visit Punta Cana, again.
2. [モノクロ写真] ニューヨークの静けさ | [A black-and-white photo] The silence of Broadway in NYC
The second one is this black and white photo in NYC. The black and white photo make a quiet residential area more silent.
3. ナイアガラの滝の日没 | The sundown in Niagara Falls
This photo went viral via Twitter just a little bit. That's why, many people viewed this photo. It was a photo of chance, though, it was moving for me because I might not be able to see this view again.
4. カリブ海クルーズで撮れた素敵な雲の写真3選 | The 3 photos of cloud in Caribbean Sea
第4位もプンタカナ(カリブ海)の写真です。私は空の写真を撮ることが好きなので、この記事がTop 5にランクインしてとても嬉しいです。
The forth one is also the article about the Carribean Sea, Punta Cana. I love shooting sky's photos, so I'm happy that this article has placed in top 5 photos.
5. ドミニカ共和国の青い海と空 | The blue ocean and sky in Punta Cana
The fifth one is the picture of ocean in Punta Cana. I think this article went viral a little bit as well as the third one, so many people viewed it. I appreciate people who retweeted my post!
以上、2015年3月のアクセス数の多いベスト写真Top 5をお届けしました。ブログを始めて約1か月とまだまだ写真数は少ないですが、引き続き見て頂けたら嬉しいです。また、Twitterもフォローして頂けると嬉しいです。 Follow @kumi_photos
Thank you for reading this article. Even though there are only 20 - 30 photos on this blog because I've started this blog since March 2015, I'll be so happy if you can frequently see this blog. Besides, I'm so glad if you can follow me on Twitter! Follow @kumi_photos

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