May 5, 2015

Sakura Park, Manhattan NY(マンハッタンにある小さなサクラパーク)

There is a small park called "Sakura Park" near Columbia University. There is a park quietly located near Riverside Park, close to Hudson River.

The cherry blossoms in this park, has started to fall when I went there, though, I could enjoy them enough.

May 3, 2015

マンハッタンと夏の空 | The summer sky feat. Manhattan Part 1

The appearance of sky has looked different from in winter these days. It has looked like the summer sky in which the cloud has been getting bigger.

May 1, 2015

Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Part 2 in Newark, NJ, 2015

It's getting warmer, though, I update this article because I have many pictures of beautiful cherry blossoms. In this time, I'd like to introduce you the petals of cherry trees.


April 20, 2015

Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Part 1 in Newark, NJ, 2015

アメリカ・ニュージャージー州でも桜は咲きます。桜の名所の公園があります。その名はBranch Brook Park。5,000本の桜が咲いていました。日本に多い品種(ソメイヨシノ)と比べると花びらの色が濃かった気がしましたがとてもキレイでした。今回は広域で撮影した桜の様子をご紹介。
Cherry Blossoms bloom in NJ, USA as well. There's a popular park as known as the best place seeing Sakura in NJ. It's Branch Brook Park where there are 5,000 cherry trees. They were so beautiful even though I thought the color of cherry trees was different from the color of Japanese popular breed. Today, I'd like introduce you the photos I shot in wide area.


April 13, 2015

2015年3月のアクセス数の多い写真 Top 5 | The 5 most viewed photos in March 2015

このブログを見てくださっている方、ありがとうございます。2015年3月にこのブログで紹介した中でアクセス数の多かったベスト写真(記事)Top 5をまとめてみたいと思います。
I really appreciate the people who has seen this blog constantly. I'm going to pick up the 5 most viewed photos of my photos that were posted on this blog in March 2015.

ワールドトレードセンターと青空 | The view of World Trade Center from Hoboken

Today, I realized that I could see a different view than usual in case I used the different route from Manhattan. I shot the following photos with my iPhone though I didn't have my camera; however I think these photos are better than what I expected.


April 9, 2015

ニューヨーク・ウエストヴィレッジを街歩きした時の3枚の写真 | 3 photos during walking around West Village in NYC

Today, I'm going to introduce you about the photos I shot near W 4st station where there's blue note, a jazz club during walking around this neiborhood.


April 7, 2015

エッジウォーターから見たハドソン川の眺め | The view of Hudson River from Edgewater, NJ

Hudson River is located between New York and New Jersey. Its riverside is one of my favorite place shooting photos.


April 6, 2015

[モノクロ写真]ニューヨークのLOVEオブジェ | [Black and white photos] Love sculpture in NYC


ニューヨーク・マンハッタンのWest 55stと6th Avenue沿いにある「LOVE」のオブジェ。ここの周りにはいつもこの写真のように人だかりがたくさん。群がる観光客を撮影してみた。
There's a love sculpture at West 55th street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan, NYC. There are always many people surrounding this sculpture. I shot such people into a photo.

April 1, 2015

[モノクロ写真]NY・ブライアントパークの昼下がり | [Black and white photos] early in the afternoon at Bryant Park, NYC


Bryant Park is located at Midtown in Manhattan, NYC. It isn't a huge park, but I love it because it's better to see my friends and chat with them thanks to tables and chairs or there's a skate link in winter. On one cold day, I stopped by this park for the first time in a long time. I shot some black and white photos there.

March 31, 2015

空の写真を撮る面白さが分かったこの3枚 | The 3 interesting photos to shoot

Sky is interesting to shoot photos since it looks different depending on its situation.

The first photo is taken along Hudson River around Edgewater, NJ. I love its pale cloud so much.

March 26, 2015

プンタカナで撮った美しいビーチ写真5選 | The 5 beautiful photos of beach in Punta Cana

Hi everyone, today, I am going to introduce you 5 beautiful photos of the beach in Punta Cana.

I love this photo because it has depth thanks to the palm tree in frond side. The water of ocean is clear and beautiful, and the sky is remarkably wide!

March 24, 2015

カリブ海クルーズで撮れた素敵な雲の写真3選 | The 3 photos of cloud in Caribbean Sea

Hi, today, I am going to introduce you the 3 photos of cloud in Caribbean Sea that I shot during a mini cruise in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.


March 23, 2015

ドミニカ共和国のビーチでアートを見つけた | Finding the art near the beach in Dominican Republic

When I participated in a mini cruise as an optional tour, I found something artificial on the sandy shore. This photo was taken with the normal lens far away from the object.

Punta Canaのビーチ | The beach in Punta Cana

March 22, 2015

良い被写体との出会いは一期一会 | Treasure every meeting of good photographic subject

木の枝に積もった雪の華(The snow lying thick on the tree)

It's March 20. Have Cherry Blossoms in Japan already started blooming? It snowed in NJ, the U.S, as you can see in this photo. It was agony for me to spend time in NJ since I had spent time with half sleeves when I traveled to Dominican Republic in the last week.

March 21, 2015

[モノクロ写真] 人影の美しさ | [A black-and-white photo] The beauty of shadows of people

モノクロで写した人影 | Shadows of people shot into a photo



This photo was a coincidence when I shot photos of buildings in Upper West, NYC. When I let down the camera to the ground, I found the shadows of people, and shot this photo instantly.

I think black and white photos can make shadows of people beautiful. The contrast between the stone pavement and the shadows of people is stunning for me. Black and white photos are deep, aren't they? I want to shoot such photos more and more.

*This photo was taken on Mar 19, 2015 around Upper West, Manhattan, NY.

March 20, 2015

ドミニカ共和国の青い海と空 | The blue ocean and sky in Punta Cana

プンタカナの青い海と空(The blue sky and ocean in Punta Cana)

I went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic as vacation.

March 19, 2015

ニューアーク国際空港の朝焼け | The Sunglow at Newark Liberty International Airport

ニューアーク国際空港の朝焼け | The Sunglow at Newark Liberty International Airport


Newark Liberty International Airport is the closest airport to Manhattan even though it's located at Newark, NJ, the next state of NY. This photo shows the airplane of United Airlines and the sunrise glow at terminal C. Where are we going to travel? The destination is still secret.

* This photo was taken on Mar 13, 2015 at Terminal C in Newark Liberty International Airport.

March 18, 2015

[モノクロ写真] タイムズスクエアのGAPの角 | [A black-and-white photo] GAP flagship store in Times Square

[モノクロ写真] タイムズスクエアのGAP(GAP flagship store in Times Square)


In the afternoon, Times Square, NYC. I shot this picture because I like the ambience of GAP flagship store here. I don't know why the hustle and bustle of this big city and the construction site next to GAP look calm in case they are taken as photos.

* This photo was taken on Mar 10, 2015 near Times Square, Manhattan, NY.

March 17, 2015

オシャレなアメリカの郵便局 | A beautiful post office in NJ

オシャレなアメリカの郵便局(A beautiful post office in NJ)


One of my favorite things in the U.S. is that there are so many beautiful buildings.
Look,  even though it's just a post office, you think this building is beautiful, don't you?
There are less beautiful building in Japan than in the U.S.
This is a post office in Fort Lee, NJ.

* This photo was taken on Mar 8, 2015 in Fort Lee, NJ.

March 16, 2015

ハドソン川の夕暮れ直前 | The early sunset of Hudson River

ハドソン川の夕暮れ直前の写真(The early sunset of Hudson River)


The usual landscape for me becomes a special scene in case it is taken as a photo.
The flow of the river seems lively, and the sky is wide and huge so much that Manhattan and Jersey City come out as small things.

* This photo was taken on Mar 9, 2015 near Port Imperial Ferry, NJ.

March 15, 2015

コストコで綿菓子が売っているとしたら? | What if Costco sells cotton candy?

コストコと青い空(The blue sky with costco)


The cloud above the store of Costco looks fluffy like cotton candy. Costco might be able to make cotton candy bigger because everything Costco sells is really huge!

* This photo was taken on March 8, 2015 at Costco Clifton.

March 14, 2015

カリフォルニアまで続く高速道路の東の端 | The earstan end of Interstate 80 toward California

州間高速道路80号線ニュージャージー州の景色(I-80 West around NJ)


Interstate 80 is a highway in the U.S. that runs from New Jersey to California. This photo shows one scene of I-80 around NJ. The blue sky and the straight road. Where could we drive staying on I-80? The blue sky encourages me to go to California.

* This photo was taken on Mar 8, 2015 on I-80 west near Teaneck, NJ.

March 13, 2015

ニューヨークの高層ビル群と一つの街灯 | A Street lamp in front of skyscrapers in NYC

ハドソン川の青空(The blue sky along Hudson River)


A street lamp might look at the blue sky and skyscrapers in NYC from the opposite side of Hudson River. During night time, would it light itself as gazing at the bright view in the opposite side?

*This photo was taken on Mar 8, 2015 near Port Imperial Ferry, NJ.

March 12, 2015

白い世界に差し込む青い色彩 | Blue color putting in the white world

フォートリーの雪景色と晴天(The snowscape and sunny sky in Fort Lee)


There's "white" snowscape on the ground. There's "white" cloud in the sky.
The blue color is putting in the white color. I like this gradation so much.

* This photo was taken on Mar 8, 2015 in Fort Lee, NJ.

March 11, 2015

ニューヨーク・ウエストヴィレッジのとある街角にて | At the corner of a street in West Village, NYC

ニューヨーク・ウエストヴィレッジのとある街角にて | At the corner of a street in West Village, NYC




I arrived the destination earlier than the time on which I have a meeting with my friend, and I walked around the area that I'd never visited. It made me find something new that had never happened in the past.

For example, look at this picture. I originally love the design of American traffic sign, though, I found out the fact it become more artistic when it's taken as photography.

The Italian restaurant in the back side of the traffic sign is ages-old in a good way. So, it makes this picture more artistic.

* This photo was taken on Mar 11 around West Village, Manhattan NY.

ボストンの抜けるような青い空 | The clear blue sky in Boston harbor

ボストン港の青い空(The clear blue sky in Boston harbor)


A sunny summer day. National flag waving in the wind.
This photo was taken at a famous sightseeing place in Boston.
The truly blue sky fascinates me so much.
On the day after the July 4th, which rained heavily.
I realized there would be no rain which never stops and hope would come after hardship.

* This photo was taken on July 5, 2014 at Boston.

March 10, 2015

[モノクロ写真] ニューヨークの静けさ | [A black-and-white photo] The silence of Broadway in NYC

アッパーウエストのブロードウェイ(Broadway in Upper West)



The big city, New York City, comes silence when it's taken as black-and-white photos. Also, I think the streetscape of NYC suits black-and-white photos.

I've realized the attraction of black and white photography. The more I take such photos, the more profound they are. So, it would take long time until I can master how to take shoot beautiful black and white photos.

* This photo was taken on Mar 10, 2015 near 72st, Broadway in Manhattan, NY.

摩天楼へと続く遊歩道 | A walking trail toward skyscrapers

左手にはJersey Cityの高層ビル。右手にはLower Manhattanの高層ビル群。
ここは自由の女神が裏から見えるLiberty State Park。

The left side is some skyscrapers in Jersey City. The right side is many skyscrapers in Lower Manhattan.
This walking trail seems to reach to Lower Manhattan.
Here is Liberty State Park where we can see the back side of the Statue of Liberty.
I felt the sky in the U.S. was remarkably wide.

* This photo was taken on Aug 22, 2014 at Liberty State Park

March 9, 2015

ナイアガラの滝の日没 | The sundown in Niagara Falls

ナイアガラの滝の日没(the sundown in Niagara Falls)
the sundown from a hotel in Niagara Falls


The sundown in Niagara Falls. The horizon is "literally" straight.
The spray on the left side looks like smoke.
I was impressed that the sky had so many layers of color.

*This photo was taken on Oct 12, 2014 in Niagara Falls.

March 8, 2015

私が空の写真を撮る理由 | The reason why I take photos of sky

The sky from I-80 west in New Jersey

(English follows Japanese)




March 7, 2015

ニュージャージー州レオニア、氷の湖の美しさ | A stunning frozen lake in Leonia, NJ

ニュージャージー州レオニアの美しい氷の湖(a stunning frozen lake in Leonia NJ)


It's a park in Leonia, NJ where there's the world of ice around here. We can enjoy kayak in the summer here; on the other hand, it changes its appearance so differently in winter. I'm sharing this photo since I like its contrast between white, blue and brown.

* This photo was taken on Mar 9, 2014 at Overpeck County Park in Leonia, NJ.